Tuesday 13 October 2009

Alhamdulillah , it's Ain Sham, Cairo

Alhamdulillah, finally we got to know the university. Ain Sham University,Abbassia, Cairo. Lega. Eventhough the cost of living might be higher than the earlier chosen one, the facilities are a lot better. Malaysian House is nearby, Embassy is much nearer and Rumah Negeri pun kata Us S dekat je. Cuma nya mungkin lebih sebuk dan sesak berbanding yang lain.

We got a call from Us. Bakar telling us the same happy news. Alhamdulilah.

Mmmm, we are yet to see A's collections of photos. Just hantar thru Maryam (bakal Doc) anak Us. Bakar the t/drive and other aksesori last Friday. Being a mother of cos u feel anxious to see and know e'thing.

I like Egypt personally and love to visit the place one day, insyaallah. Banyak yang boleh diambil iktibar dari sejarah purba Mesir ni. Melihat lambang keangkuhan manusia bernama Firaun yang mengaku dirinya tuhan tetapi akhirnya tewas ditangan anak angkatnya sendiri dan lemas bersama pengikutnya di Laut Merah.

Oh.... ada banyak lagi seperti makam Rabiatul Adawiyah lambang wanita sejati
dan banyak lagi yang lain.
Tak lupa juga Alexandria , "the most beautiful place on earth ", kata Winston Churchill.

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