I'm still searching ,mencari-cari, the best template that suit my taste.So, things will keep on changing. For the time being I think I'll stick to this. Mmmm.
Well, we learn a lot today from Ustaz Adam. Alhamdulilah my understanding of Arabic grammar is getting better, the least to say. There are reasons why Allah revealed al Quran in Arabic, why Allah keep repeating the same words over and over again in Quran. Human nature, selalu lupa,walaupun diulang berkali-kali. ( It happens in our class, week in, week out, same questions & notes )yet lupa juga.
According to our Ustaz, everyone of us has this one particular chip meant for bahasa al quran yakni Arab in our brain. If we don't use it ( at least to memorise a few phrases, words ) then it will remain empty. His advice, the least to do , 'dah susah sangat , ingat sikit-sikit eg. 'wau'- dan, 'fa' -maka,'ila' -kepada ,memorise all the harfun dulu, one word a week pun tak apa. ( Dapat pahala) Dah tua-tua ni , pick up slow. There are more senior students in the class , yang dah exceed 55 ramai.
He briefly told us about Nabi Adam as. How malaikat mengambil tanah dari bumi tetapi tidak diizinkan oleh bumi sehinggalah akhirnya malaikat Izrail yang berjaya mengumpul pelbagai tanah-taneh dari bumi, putih,hitam, masam,merah dll.untuk dijadikan Nabi Adam. Thus, Izrail has been given the right to cabut roh manusia.
Setelah ditiupkan roh kepadanya, Nabi Adam as terus bersin dan mengucapkan 'alhamdulillah'
Mmmm... ucaplah 'alhamdulillah' apabila bersin.
Ada banyak lagi.....
Insyaallah, I will.
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