ISA anyone? Nope. Well, it's not ISA that I'm going to talk about. It's ISO. For the past few weeks auditees as well as non-auditees worked very hard to meet the requirements of that Ikut Suka Orang dos and don'ts.
Haiyah! Really sickening lorr. As part of the team, I really find that it takes most of your time preparing the requirements and needs. Well, my part ( the file that I look after isn't that bad - lucky me :P ) but others memang kesian. Heaps of files. Goodness, gracious! Imagine to have a simple panitia meeting, you need to have a calling letter which must be signed by all members ( not ordinary letter bur specific kind of forms) , should you have previous panitia meeting, the minutes must be distributed 2 weeks earlier and again there must be some kind of proof( kena sign surat lain pulak). There must also be borang cadangan, borang laporan borang terima itu ini etc. Haiyah, if anything missing siap the auditors will start calling you.
Sound good ey? Ada ketelusan ye ? tapi apa kejadahnya when it involves a lot of papers and so time consuming. I thought bila hidup dalam zaman IT ni it means paperless ( or IT tu ikut terlintas aje - sori Hj I quote ) yet it's the other way round . Heaps of papers and files and we are moving backwards. Kalau kumpul semua file tu perhaps kalau tak sampai ke bulan pun mungkin dah boleh sampai Haadyai.
And today, the 'love to hate' guests were here to see that everything is complied. The report wasn't that bad after all even tho' there were a few tegurans.Whatever it is it seems that we have to live with it until ........ donno, time will tell.
ps: Yang pelik apa hal pulak ada meeting tergempar in the midst of everything? Then during process search and rescue ada someone MIA lagi. Kemana?
Well, nampaknya di mana-manapun sama aje... My place .. tonnes of papers used to print I don't know for what. Produktivity also got to print maaa. Got system canggih, but never use...
Harap those kat "atas" (bulan ke, bintang ke) read your blog and get ideas how suffering we are ...couldn't focus on our main duty, i.e.educating and preparing our students for exams.
By the way, what happen to those tonnes of papers?
Build higyway?..Or let them last jadi habuan "little creature".
So sad....
Yeah! those kat atas tu never realise how hard it is. all they know implement something new so that they can be different from the previous one. Susah le orang kecik macam kite ni.
Next year arr.. satu sekolah oooh lagi susah orr. Papers and files .... after 5 years kena panggil "sulat kaba lamee.."
Sulat kaba lamee?
Satu kilo belapa linggit maa?
Apa? 2 kupang?...Ha..haa...
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