Sunday, 21 June 2009

Hari Anugerah

Raptai penuh a day earlier - pasukan kadet n PBSM

Penerima bergambar dengan Dato' Ahmad Zaki

The guest of honour is coming...

Pasukan kompang and our 2 police officers - tukang pakai rozet

Semalam berlangsung Hari Anugerah Cemerlang ke 101. Cemerlanglah kepada yang cemerlang dan Tahniah. Dato' Ahmad Zaki who came to officiate ( an Old Boy ) is the COO for Kuwait Finance House. Still good looking and very friendly and of course generous too. All in all, the event went on very smoothly, I would say.

Kami bekejar antara Majlis Hari Anugerah dan Pertandingan Pantun Akhir peringkat Negeri. Menjadi jawatankuasa bahagian makanan dan memastikan peserta menerima makanan dan dapat makan. Alahai... nanti lapor tidak dapat pulak nak berpantun dengan baik.

Finalis terdiri dari STAR Ipoh dengan SMK Alang Iskandar Parit Buntar dan piala akhirnya milik SMK Alang Iskandar. Tahniah le dengarnya dah 8 kali Johan. Eh, takkan le tak ada sekolah lain yang boleh menandingi team ni atau mungkinkah ada hanky-panky bisness sejak dari awal lagi...???? Apa-apa pun boleh jadi. ( Dengar nya ramai juga yang bercakap di belakang )

Selesai selepas jam 2.00 petang...


Unknown said...

Salam, saya ni nak berjejak kasih dengan cikgu-cikgu saya di Clifford school. Boleh tak promote blog saya kat Pn Saniah Md Lazim (BI), Tn Hj Shahrir, dan Cikgu Wan Badli Shah, Pn Hjh Azizah Atan, En. Khairunnasri, Ust Tamami dan Pn Zulaikha Ali. Setakat tu je yang saya ingat. Kalau ada apa2 program alumni harap bolehla inform saya. Terima Kasih. Always be a true Cliffordian.

orangkampung said...

Salam. No problem at all.The names mentioned are still in Clifford and one of them is following your blog.

ps Tq for still remembering our names.

Unknown said...

Salam Cikgu,
I'm very happy to meet you again here in the cyberworld. I'm still new in this blogging world. My wife is an addict blogger, since we were always busy with our work in school, the only way that she could share all her stories is through he blog ( I took the initiative to start blogging myself.

When you mentioned that one of my teachers (from the list) is following this blog. I only have two candidates for that. Cikgu Saniah and Cikgu Zulaikha. My instinct tells me that you are Cikgu Saniah. Please let me know.

Thank you for your knowledge and you are my source of inspiration.

orangkampung said...

Salam Naiman, It's really great to see that you are doing well.I passed the message to the teachers concerned. In fact yr 'sifu' commented something in yr blog but unfortunately it was rejected. He'll find his way .

ps. what a good instinct you have.